Yoshihiro Kikuchi

“Super Processor”

12 Jan - 2 Feb 2019

AISHONANZUKA is pleased to present "Super Processor”, a solo exhibition of works by Japanese artist Yoshihiro Kikuchi, from January 12 to February 9.

Kikuchi’s works focuses on ‘deconstructing specific human characteristics’. Making drawings converted from authorless erotic novels without any subjective judgement of the artist, his work explores our limited perception using shocking photos of corps or porn. In contrast to those works, Kikuchi also examines his subjective beliefs and sensory perceptions with collages using found objects and paintings. Kikuchi has been presenting works that coherently verify his theme from every aspect, from material and the creating process, to its image.

In this exhibition, the contrast of ideas of each work stands out, having the four keywords in its center of concept.

Title of this show, “Supper Processr” is a name of a fraudulent like machine which said to be able to clear pixelated image of Porn Video and was widely distributed through the underground sex industries in Japan. In this show, Kikuchi will present his first installation work, “Room Aroused” inspired by the device “Super Processor”. From the painting series of “Black Correction”, he sets political and cultural history behind, and he bizarrely let vulgarity and loftiness cohabit in his first oil painting works.